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OTC improv

Improv shows and Classes
in Charlotte

Paul walking to the front of a packed room giving a speech
Laughing in a chair at Ingersoll Rand
Pills coming from a bottle that say humor, creativity, listener, communication, humility, and confidence
"Ridiculously funny"

Paul has been the owner of Briarcliff Hall, a private SAT tutoring service for students taking the college entrance exam, for the past 27 years.  In addition, he studied improvisation in Chicago from the very best instructors (some of whom have been finalists for Saturday Night Live).


Paul also spent several years researching corporate culture to see if there was a purposeful relationship between his improv philosophy and the business world. Confident of the connection, he began to teach the benefits of improvisation and right-brain thinking to corporations.   At first, 4 companies took a chance on this unique business improv program.  By 2018, Paul was giving more than 90 speeches across the country annually.  And in 2019, Paul gave his first TEDx talk on this business improv relationship. 

Over The Counter improv (OTC) has used its entertainment division for the last 13 years to perform improvisational shows for thousands of customers in the Charlotte area.

In addition, OTC has improv classes to help people overcome the fear of public speaking, enhance active listening, and participate in team building exercises.

Find out why almost every show and class has sold out for the past 13+ years!

Corporate Address:

Beta Test improv

9600 Providence Forest Lane

Charlotte, NC  28270


Corporate Location:

Over The Counter improv

9600 Providence Forest Lane

Charlotte, NC  28270


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