Beta Test improv
Leadership Development and Team Building Workshop for adults from the ages of 18 to 60. Please check with your Library or Recreation Center for specific dates and times when we will be at a location near you.
Beta Test improv teaches team building and leadership skills by nurturing the right side of the brain through a unique and hilarious form of improvisation.
This class improves:
· Creativity
· Leadership Skills
· Presentation Styles
· Communication Skills
Paul and Kelly Marks present this program and run Beta Test improv. Paul formed Beta Test improv in 2012 to teach leadership, public speaking, and quick thinking skills through improvisation. When he first began offering the workshops, four companies took a chance. By 2018, Paul and Kelly were giving more than 100 speeches across the country annually.
Come to this FREE workshop and find out why more than 60,000 business professionals have participated in this class including folks from Amazon, Samsung, and the Mayor of Charlotte. Beta Test improv is sponsored by Culture Blocks— a community partnership funded by Mecklenburg County.