Yard signs make a difference! I know I supported one candidate until I saw a yard sign that said they sucked. That really made me rethink everything since it never occurred to me that they might suck. But then, I saw another yard sign saying the other candidate sucked AND was a big loser. That really really made me rethink….cause I didn’t think about them also being a loser. Plus, the person who paid for that yard sign used extra words on their hateful message and a 48-point-Arial font. That probably cost them extra money to add a second insult.
But then I saw a hand written sign that rhymed. It was like a Dr. Seuss rhyme. It didn’t support any candidate; it didn’t bash any idea or cause. Instead it talked about ALL of us getting along in the world and if we didn’t, we’d all be…well, it rhymed with the word sucked.
Paul Marks