Paul’s Bio: In July of 2009, Paul formed Over The Counter improv to teach leadership, public speaking, and quick thinking skills through improvisation. When he first began offering the workshops, 4 companies took a chance on this unique business and science improv program. By 2018, Paul was giving more than 90 speeches across the country annually and in 2019, Paul gave his first TEDx talk on this business improv relationship.
People hear improv and think you have to be funny to take the course. That is not true.
The OTC workshop is designed to help folks develop quick-thinking skills, creativity, confidence, empathy, and humor. The program delves into the science behind a lot of the exercises to help people strengthen the neural connections in the brain and understand what is happening in their mind during class. It’s for this reason that over the past decade, Paul has been hired to work with companies such as Amazon, Bank of America, Duke University, Wells Fargo, Compass Group, etc.
Business improv clients: www.btimprov.com/clients
The program is 5 weeks long and lasts 2.5 hours per session. We will also have one makeup session for free since people usually miss a class because of other obligations. And to defray the costs of renting a building and not pass them on to you, all classes will be held at my house.
Sessions will be held on Sunday afternoons from 3:00pm until 5:30pm starting March 16th, 2025. The dates of the program are:
Call Paul Marks at 704-618-4203 or email him for more information.
➔ Learn to nurture the right side of the brain to help with dream recall and creativity
➔ Develop a new skill set to improve quick thinking skills
➔ Learn exercises to get to know people in a meaningful manner
➔ Enhance active listening skills through observation and interaction
➔ Leave the workshop with a list of exercises to practice at your leisure to help strengthen right brain thinking
The cost is $190.00 for the entire course. You can mail a check to the address below (Please make the check payable to Paul Marks or OTC improv). You can also send the payment to our Venmo account @paul-marks-69037
Location and address to mail a check for the course:
Paul Marks
9600 Providence Forest Lane
Charlotte, NC 28270